Getting a mortgage can be stressful and confusing;
it doesn't have to be, let me show you how. 

Mortgage Broker

Hi, I’m Trish Pritchard and I’m an independent mortgage expert working in my client’s best interest to source the best mortgage products available! Having gotten my start in 2005 as a mortgage broker, I have arranged mortgage financing for a wide range of clients, from first time buyers to seasoned real estate investors. 

I’m proud to work from my home office in Clayton Village, located in Surrey, BC. 

Working from home provides me the ability to spend more time with my family and the flexibility to meet my clients at times and locations that work best for them. 

If you're looking to work with a broker who demonstrates integrity, honesty, and sincerity, I would love to work with you!

For a little more information, check my 'About Me' page.


The Collective Mortgage Group provides mortgage services to loyal clients in a transparent environment, with an authentic voice, helping them feel protected, and save time and money.


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Mortgage Financing

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Whatever your mortgage needs; at The Collective Mortgage Group , we have the products you're looking for. Contact us anytime to find out more!


Looking for a little more information before getting in touch? No problems! Have a look through my mortgage blog where I share valuable information about mortgage financing and the home buying process. Once you're ready, feel free to connect with me in whatever way you feel comfortable. 

By Trish Pritchard 09 Oct, 2024
Deciding to list your home for sale is a big decision. And while there are many reasons you might want/need to sell, here are 3 questions you should ask yourself; and have answers to, before taking that step. What is my plan to get my property ready for sale? Assessing the value of your home is an important first step. Talking with a real estate professional will help accomplish that. They will be able to tell you what comparable properties in your area have sold for and what you can expect to sell your property for. They will also know specific market conditions and be able to help you put a plan together. But as you’re putting together that plan, here are a few discussion points to work through. A little time/money upfront might increase the final sale price. Declutter and depersonalize Minor repairs A fresh coat of interior/exterior paint New fixtures Hire a home stager or designer Exterior maintenance Professional pictures and/or virtual tour But then again, these are all just considerations; selling real estate isn’t an exact science. Current housing market conditions will shape this conversation. The best plan of action is to find a real estate professional you trust, ask a lot of questions, and listen to their advice. What are the costs associated with selling? Oftentimes it’s the simple math that can betray you. In your head, you do quick calculations; you take what you think your property will sell for and then subtract what you owe on your mortgage; the rest is profit! Well, not so fast. Costs add up when selling a home. Here is a list of costs you’ll want to consider. Real estate commissions (plus tax) Mortgage discharge fees and penalties Lawyer’s fees Utilities and property tax account settlements Hiring movers and/or storage fees Having the exact figures ahead of time allows you to make a better decision. Now, the real wildcard here is the potential mortgage penalty you might pay if you break your existing mortgage. If you need help figuring this number out, get in touch! What is my plan going forward? If you’re already considering selling your home, it would be fair to guess that you have your reasons. But as you move forward, make sure you have a plan that is free of assumptions. If you plan to move from your existing property to another property that you will be purchasing, make sure you have worked through mortgage financing ahead of time. Just because you’ve qualified for a mortgage in the past doesn’t mean you’ll qualify for a mortgage in the future. Depending on when you got your last mortgage, a lot could have changed. You’ll want to know exactly what you can qualify for before you sell your existing property. If you’d like to talk through all your options, connect anytime! It would be a pleasure to work with you and provide you with professional, unbiased advice.
By Trish Pritchard 02 Oct, 2024
A question that comes up from time to time when discussing mortgage financing is, “If I have collections showing on my credit bureau, will that impact my ability to get a mortgage?” The answer might have a broader implication than what you might think; let's spend a little time discussing it. Collections accounts are reported on your credit bureau when you have a debt that hasn’t been paid as agreed. Now, regardless of the reason for the collection; the collection is a result of delinquency, it’s an account you didn’t realize was in collections, or even if it’s a choice not to pay something because of moral reasons, all open collections will negatively impact your ability to secure new mortgage financing. Delinquency If you’re really late on paying on a loan, credit card, line of credit, or mortgage, and the lender has sent that account to collections, as they consider it a bad debt, this will certainly impact your ability to get new mortgage financing. Look at it this way, why would any lender want to extend new credit to you when you have a known history of not paying your existing debts as agreed? If you happen to be late on your payments and the collection agencies are calling, the best plan would be to deal with the issue head-on. Settle the debts as quickly as possible and work towards establishing your credit. Very few (if any) lenders will even consider your mortgage application with open collections showing on your credit report. If you’re unaware of bad debts It happens a lot more than you’d think; people applying for a mortgage are completely unaware that they have delinquent accounts on their credit report. A common reason for this is that collection agencies are hired simply because the lender can’t reach someone. Here’s an example. Let’s say you’re moving from one province to another for work, you pay the outstanding balance on your utility accounts, change your phone number, and make the move. And while you think you’ve paid the final amount owing, they read your meter, and there is $32 outstanding on your bill. As the utility company has no way of tracking you down, they send that amount to an agency that registers it on your credit report. You don't know any of this has happened and certainly would have paid the amount had you known it was due. Alternatively, with over 20% of credit reports containing some level of inaccuracy, mistakes happen. If you’ve had collections in the past, there’s a chance they might be reporting inaccurately, even if it's been paid out. So as far as your mortgage is concerned, it really doesn’t matter if the collection is a reporting error or a valid collection that you weren’t aware of. If it’s on your credit report, it’s your responsibility to prove it’s been remediated. Most lenders will accept documentation proving the account has been paid and won’t require those changes to reflect on your credit report before proceeding with a mortgage application. So how do you know if you’ve got mistakes on your credit report? Well, you can either access your credit reports on your own or talk with an independent mortgage advisor to put together a mortgage preapproval. The preapproval process will uncover any issues holding you back. If there are any collections on your bureau, you can implement a plan to fix the problem before applying for a mortgage. Moral Collections What if you have purposefully chosen not to pay a collection, fine, bill, or debt for moral reasons? Or what if that account is sitting as an unpaid collection on your credit report because you dispute the subject matter? Here are a few examples. A disputed phone or utility bill Unpaid alimony or child support Unpaid collections for traffic tickets Unpaid collections for COVID-19 fines The truth is, lenders don’t care what the collection is for; they just want to see that you’ve dealt with it. They will be reluctant to extend new mortgage financing while you have an active collection reporting on your bureau. So if you decide to take a moral stand on not paying a collection, please know that you run the risk of having that moral decision impact your ability to secure a mortgage in the future. If you have any questions about this or anything else mortgage-related, please connect anytime! It would be a pleasure to work with you!
By Trish Pritchard 30 Sep, 2024
Starting November 21, 2024, borrowers switching lenders with uninsured mortgages will no longer face the stress test, thanks to a new policy from OSFI. Previously, uninsured borrowers needed to prove they could afford their mortgage at a higher rate, which created barriers to switching for better terms. This change encourages competition among lenders and aligns the rules with insured mortgages, providing more flexibility and choice for homeowners. The decision responds to concerns raised by the Competition Bureau and reflects shifting risk management trends in the mortgage market. Key Points: Applies to Straight Switches: This policy is for borrowers switching lenders while maintaining their loan amount and amortization schedule. Stress Test Removed: No more proving affordability at higher rates during switches, allowing for easier access to competitive offers. Supports Borrower Flexibility: Homeowners now have more options to find the best mortgage rates at renewal without the stress test obstacle. Why the Change? OSFI initially maintained the stress test to manage risk but has now reversed this stance after evaluating that the original concerns have not significantly materialized. This move is designed to balance fairness for borrowers and enhance competition in the mortgage market. How It Affects You For those with uninsured mortgages approaching renewal, this policy change is a win. You'll now have the opportunity to seek out better mortgage rates without facing a stress test, making it easier to reduce financial strain, especially in a rising interest rate environment. Stay informed and take advantage of these changes by reviewing your mortgage options today!
By Trish Pritchard 25 Sep, 2024
If you’re thinking about buying a property, but you’re not sure where to start, you’ve come to the right place! Let’s discuss how getting pre-approved is one of the first steps in your home buying journey. Just like you wouldn’t go into a restaurant without knowing if you have enough money to buy your meal, it’s not a good idea to be shopping for a home without an understanding of how much you can afford. You can browse MLS from your couch all you want beforehand, but when you’re ready to start looking at properties with a real estate agent, you need a pre-approval. Now, as there may be some confusion around exactly what a pre-approval does and doesn’t do, let’s discuss it in detail. First of all, a pre-approval is not magic, and it’s not binding. A pre-approval is not a contract that will guarantee mortgage financing despite changes to your financial situation. Instead, a pre-approval is simply the first look at your overall financial health that will point you in the right direction before you’re ready to apply for a mortgage. Said in another way, a pre-approval is a map that gives you the plan to secure an actual approval. After going through the pre-approval process, you’ll know how to qualify for a mortgage and at what amount. When considering your mortgage application, lenders look at your income, credit history, assets vs liabilities, and the property itself. Working through a pre-approval will cover all these areas and will uncover any major obstacles that might be in your way of securing financing. The best time to secure a pre-approval is as soon as possible; it’s never a bad idea to have a plan. Here are a few of the obstacles that a pre-approval can uncover: You’ve recently changed jobs, and you’re still on probation Your income relies heavily on extra shifts or commissions You’re unaware of factual mistakes or collections on your credit report You don’t have an established credit profile You don’t have enough money saved for a downpayment Additional debt is lowering the amount you qualify for Really anything you don't know that you don't know Even if you believe you have all your ducks in a row, working through the pre-approval process with an independent mortgage professional will ensure you have the best chance of securing a final approval. As a point of clarity, a pre-approval is not the same as a pre-qualification. This is not typing a few things into a website, calculating some numbers, and thinking you’re all set. A pre-approval includes providing your financial information, looking at your credit report, discussing a plan for securing mortgage financing with a mortgage professional, and even submitting documents ahead of time. Mortgage financing can be a daunting process; it doesn’t have to be. Having a plan in place and doing as much as you can beforehand is essential to ensuring a smooth home buying experience. As there is no cost for getting a mortgage pre-approval, there is absolutely no risk. Consider starting the process right now! If you’d like to walk through your financial situation and get pre-approved for a mortgage, let’s talk. It would be a pleasure to work with you!
By Trish Pritchard 18 Sep, 2024
One of the major qualifiers lenders look at when considering your application for mortgage financing is your debt service ratios. Now, before we get started, if you prefer to have someone walk through these calculations with you, assess your financial situation, and let you know exactly where you stand, let’s connect. There is no use in dusting off the calculator and running the numbers yourself when we can do it for you! However, if you’re someone who likes to know the nitty-gritty of how things work instead of simply accepting that's just the way it is, this article is for you. But be warned, there are a lot of mortgage words and some math ahead; with that out of the way, let’s get started! “Debt servicing” is the measure of your ability to meet all of your financial obligations. There are two ratios that lenders examine to determine whether you can debt service a mortgage. The first is called the “gross debt service” ratio, or GDS, which is the percentage of your monthly household income that covers your housing costs. The second is called the “total debt service” ratio, or TDS, which is the percentage of your monthly household income covering your housing costs and all your other debts. GDS is your income compared to the cost of financing the mortgage, including your proposed mortgage payments (principal and interest), property taxes, and heat (PITH), plus a percentage of your condo fees (if applicable). Here’s how to calculate your GDS. Principal + Interest + Taxes + Heat / Gross Annual Income Your TDS is your income compared to your GDS plus the payments made to service any existing debts. Debts include car loans, line of credit, credit card payments, support payments, student loans, and anywhere else you’re contractually obligated to make payments. Here’s how to calculate your TDS. Principal + Interest + Taxes + Heat + Other Debts / Gross Annual Income With the calculations for those ratios in place, the next step is to understand that each lender has guidelines that outline a maximum GDS/TDS. Exceeding these guidelines will result in your mortgage application being declined, so the lower your GDS/TDS, the better. If you don’t have any outstanding debts, your GDS and TDS will be the same number. This is a good thing! The maximum ratios vary for conventional mortgage financing based on the lender and mortgage product being offered. However, if your mortgage is high ratio and mortgage default insurance is required, the maximum GDS is 39% with a maximum TDS of 44%. So how does this play out in real life? Well, let’s say you’re currently looking to purchase a property with a payment of $1700/mth (PITH), and your total annual household income is $90,000 ($7500/mth). The calculations would be $1700 divided by $7500, which equals 0.227, giving you a gross debt service ratio of 22.7%. A point of clarity here. When calculating the principal and interest portion of the payment, the Government of Canada has instituted a stress test. It requires you to qualify using the government's qualifying rate (which is higher), not the actual contract rate. This is true for both fixed and variable rate mortgages. Now let’s continue with the scenario. Let’s say that in addition to the payments required to service the property, you have a car payment of $300/mth, child support payments of $500/mth, and between your credit cards and line of credit, you’re responsible for another $700/mth. In total, you pay $1500/mth. So when you add in the $1700/mth PITH, you arrive at a total of $3200/mth for all of your financial obligations. $3200 divided by $7500 equals 0.427, giving you a total debt service ratio of 42.7%. Here’s where it gets interesting. Based on your GDS alone, you can easily afford the property. But when you factor in all your other expenses, the TDS exceeds the allowable limit of 42% (for an insured mortgage anyway). So why does this matter? Well, as it stands, you wouldn’t qualify for the mortgage, even though you are likely paying more than $1700/mth in rent. So then, to qualify, it might be as simple as shuffling some of your debt to lower payments. Or maybe you have 10% of the purchase price saved for a downpayment, changing the mortgage structure to 5% down and using the additional 5% to pay out a portion of your debt might be the difference you need to bring it all together. Here’s the thing, as your actual financial situation is most likely different than the one above, working with an independent mortgage professional is the best way to give yourself options. Don’t do this alone. Your best plan is to seek and rely on the advice provided by an experienced independent mortgage professional. While you might secure a handful of mortgages over your lifetime, we do this every day with people just like you. It’s never too early to start the conversation about mortgage qualification. Going over your application and assessing your debt service ratios in detail beforehand gives you the time needed to make the financial moves necessary to put yourself in the best financial position. So if you find yourself questioning what you can afford or if you want to discuss your GDS/TDS ratios to understand the mortgage process a little better, please get in touch. It would be a pleasure to work with you, we can get a preapproval started right away.
By Trish Pritchard 17 Sep, 2024
As of August 1, 2024, the federal government introduced changes to support homebuyers, particularly Millennials and Gen Z. First-time homebuyers purchasing new builds can now access 30-year insured mortgage amortizations , reducing monthly payments and making it easier to afford a home. Additionally, as of December 15, 2024, several major reforms will take effect: The price cap for insured mortgages will rise from $1 million to $1.5 million, helping more Canadians qualify for mortgages with less than 20% down. 30-year amortizations will be available to all first-time homebuyers and buyers of new builds , including condominiums. This expansion will incentivize new housing supply, addressing the country’s housing shortage and making homeownership more accessible. These reforms are part of a broader housing strategy that includes the Canadian Mortgage Charter , which enables insured mortgage holders to switch lenders without undergoing a new stress test at renewal. This promotes competition among lenders, ensuring more Canadians can access better mortgage deals. In addition to these housing measures, the government has introduced the Renters' Bill of Rights and the Home Buyers' Bill of Rights to protect Canadians from unfair practices, ensure transparency in leases and sales, and simplify homebuying procedures. With $5 billion available through the Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund , the federal government is working with provinces and territories to make housing fairer and more accessible for all Canadians. Stay tuned for further updates, and if you’re planning to buy a home or need more information, book a call with me to learn how these new rules can benefit you!
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The power of working with The Collective Mortgage Group is that you don’t just get a mortgage broker, you get the care and attention of our entire experienced mortgage team. 


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